Saturday 2 March 2013

Major Learning Points on the brilliant Web2.0

Welcome back everybody! Thank you for your immense support:) Today we are talking about Web2.0 as it a foundation. By now, you should have realized that I'm a newbie at the cyber world so please, be patient and tolerant to the boring designs and lame backgrounds for a while. Thank you!
  After going through the course for several times, I managed to gather the below major learning points:

  Web2.0, once again empathizing it as a major breakthrough allows users to interact and collaborate together in a social media platform in a virtual community and enable them to update the newest information instead of leaving this tedious job to the poor creator who has to constantly upload new information and that the viewers are limited to viewing the content only when they wanted for experience instead! This is horrible! And thus, the more powerful, better Web2.0 was child of new technology where all the users share the responsibility of updating the website, keeping the website engaged.
  Examples of Web2.0 are social networking sites, blog, wiki, video sharing sites[YouTube?], hosted services, web applications, mashups and folksonomies. And now improvising on the Web2.0, each ministry have had its own online gate community, a safe place for people to interact. All these had been achieved because of humans' desire for the better, their creativity and their continuous efforts. Bow to those who made these all possible!
  Collaborative :(collaborative work project; contributed a little bit, 1 point) the topic was not to hard and the process was very enjoyable. However, I started too late and I only managed to contribute a bit. :( Thus, nothing much to say else.

Start of Web2.0 Dynasty

Infocomm Study Project!

Learning Points

  What's up everyone and welecome to my blog and today, I'm showing what are some important and useful knowle I had learned in my Infocomm lessons. Here are ten main points
  • First the basics: the history of the Word Wide Web(WWW for short) and the inventor plus who introduced the WWW to the world(Not WWE:))
  •  Next, the evolution of the internet through the years such as the number of users which multipled rapidly throuth only 2 decades, from 16 million users in 1995 to 2405 users in 2012!!!, and also the major evolution from 1.0 to the much more amazing 2.0- this break through meant a lot and is a new milestone for the modern web users
  • Just a fun fact: 1/3 of the world population are web surfers[and not subway surfers...]! That's 1 in every 3 of us!  OMG!
  • Thirdly, the specific terms and their meanings such as thumbnail, a domain name, URL which stands for Uniform Resource Locater, and also IP adress plus ISP and OSP which are actually ways to access the internet!
  • Also the definition of web browser and examples of them such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer which are the most common
  • How does data travel through the Internet: through an cable modem or a wifi-network?
  • useful information such as why links are important, the usage of subject directory, a search tool and what is called a hit
  • The 9 types of basic websites which includes portal, news, informational, business/marketing, educational, entertainment, advocacy, blog and personal plus their definitions and differences
  • The guidelines to evaluate the value of a web site such as affiliation, audience, authority, content, currency, design and objectivity. Personally, content and currency are the most important as we gather information from them
  • And multimedia which integrates text with other media elements such as animation, virtual reality which is a real or imagined environment simulated by computers, animation, audio and video plus graphic formats used on the web
  • Streaming audio and other stuff which differs from downloading; plug-ins and web publishing which has improved dramatically since the arrival of web2.0 Yahoo!

Major learning points on HTML!

  1. Its importance
  2. Basic understanding
  3. Its usage
  4. How to create a short html
  5. The use of Web 2.0 technology in it
  6. Signs or html language
  7. Linking it with the CSS
  8. Through it, we learn about basics of programming

Tuesday 29 January 2013

Nickname                :Pr.Hu
Age                     :23-10
Gender                  :male
Favourite colour        :Dark green
Favourite food          :chicken rice
Favourite drink         :watermelon juice
Favourite phrase        :time to die hard
Favourite hobby         :researching on minecraft and solving
                         ridiculous maths problems
Main goal for 2013      :Score an MSG of 2.something

Monday 28 January 2013

Yo! What's up! Welcome to my blog, my life in hwachong!